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Access for $159

day 1

Supporting Big Emotions & ‘Challenging Behaviours’

Today we will completely reframe your perspective on your child’s ‘challenging behaviours’. We will help you understand why your child has tantrums, meltdowns and anxious feelings. We dive deep into the common triggers and both the constructive and destructive strategies autistic people use to cope. You’ll gain a tremendous amount of insight into how your child’s brain works and why it’s wired differently. You’ll be empowered with practical and common-sense strategies you need to diffuse and de-escalate any emotional overwhelm and outbursts, but most importantly you’ll learn how to avoid it in the first place.

Professor Tony Attwood


Maggie Dent
Allison Davies

Allison Davies

day 2

Diet & Lifestyle​

Today you will learn inexpensive and widely applicable lifestyle optimisation strategies to promote the healthy development of your child’s body and brain. You will learn exactly how food is affecting your child’s behaviour and health, and what you can do to improve their diet. You’ll be guided through the steps to optimise your child’s gut health and get a clear picture as to how the gut is actually related to autism (a ‘neuro’developmental condition). And all that information would be absolutely useless if we didn’t address the how – how you are actually going to get your child to eat real, nutritious and cultured foods! So we delve deep into all the tips and tricks you can implement today to encourage your fussy eater to try new foods.

day 3

Thriving at School & Work

Is your child struggling to make and keep friends? Do they experience high levels of social anxiety? Do they have a difficult time paying attention in a world that’s so distracting? Is school, the workplace or job seeking a constant challenge?

If you answered yes to any of these questions – you are not going to want to miss today’s interviews! Today you are going to learn from a diverse range of speakers on how you can enable and empower your child to thrive at school and in the workplace. We discuss the best resources and strategies to promote coping skills, enhance attention, boost learning and manage anxiety.

But mainstream school isn’t for everyone, right? Homeschooling is fast becoming a more popular option for autistic children. So, today we explore why homeschooling could be a better option for your child and we tackle one of the biggest conversations around this topic – does homeschooling really hinder the development of social skills?

Chris Varney

Chris Varney

Michelle Morrow

Michelle Morrow

Jeanette Purkis

day 4

The World of Therapies

Are you navigating the confusing world of autism therapies? Would you like to learn more about different approaches so you can find the best fit for your child? Are you craving more knowledge and practical advice from professionals in the industry to guide your interventions at home? Well, we’ve got you covered! 

You will absorb the most up-to-date information from a speech pathologist and an occupational therapist from two of the largest autism organisations in Australia and learn the most up-to-date information to help your child thrive with everyday communication, social skills, play skills, fine motor, gross motor and cognitive capacities.

Vivienne Williams

Vivienne Williams

Joanne Stephen

Joanne Stephen

Katherine Savidis

Katherine Savidis

day 5

Love, Hope & Advocacy

Today you will be soak up the absolute awe-inspiring wisdom and insight from parents who have a child on the autism spectrum. These incredible humans and their insatiable quest for knowledge and nothing but the very best for they child, has lead each of them on a different journey – but they are all seeking the same destination – a happy, healthy, vibrant and resilient child.

These parents may be further along the autism journey than you and will show you how they have redefined their narrative, tackled bullying head on, unapologetically advocated for their child’s rights, coped with the hard times and taken unpopular risks in search of their true north. This will be one of the most game-changing, heart-warming and empowering video series – you do not want to miss!

Dr James Best

Dr James Best

Randa Habelrih

Randa Habelrih

Access for $159

90 days access
Prices charged in $AUD